Sunday, February 24, 2013

Class 2/12

Chris Conway continued our series of parables: stories that change our story. This one was from Luke 12 it was called the rich fool. I always think Chris is the best!
He pointed out that you cannot buy God's kingdom on sale, that everything from this planet is borrowed from God and he had us consider what it means to be rich toward God.

An unspoken request for Susan Erdhaus. That Cathy Ray would continue to recover from her pneumonia. That Bob Shirk would feel better. Praise for those who participated in the recent gleaning. That some positive consideration was given to Jalaine's home issues.

Gary Madison led us  further into 1Chronicles. We saw how David, though favored by God, was not allowed to build the temple. God has plans for each of us and we must be open to his leading.


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